Clearly communicate what you want, gain respect, and make yourself a priority with authenticity, power, and grace. This is essential voice work. Speaking your truth and setting Sacred Boundaries for yourself and others is the loving means by which to have more agency over your life while allowing others to discover their own.

A boundary is a definite limit where your responsibility ends and someone else’s begins. It frees you from doing for others what they need to do for themselves.

A boundary is a definite place where your tolerance for someone’s behavior toward you ends. It protects you from physical, emotional and mental harm.

A boundary is a clear yes or no to what you allow for yourself. It empowers you to make yourself a priority.

“The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none.”

As women, we are socialized to be nice, not rock the boat, be accommodating, please everyone and put our needs after others…until those behaviors become habitual ways of being. There is nothing wrong with those behaviors when chosen consciously and mindfully, but for most women, the default is unconscious autopilot. This can be particularly true for highly sensitive or empathic people. The energy it takes to constantly have your radar up and feel responsible for accommodating all things is exhausting. It eats away at your self-esteem, builds resentment, undermines your physical health, keeps you from living the life you long for, permits undesirable behaviors in others and even puts your safety in jeopardy.

To deny using your voice, though expedient to get by and survive, is to deny your primary life empowerment tool – your ability to speak up and set Sacred Boundaries so you can live in harmony with your inner truth and embody authentic power.

Your voice matters.

Speaking your truth and setting what I call Sacred Boundaries takes a clear voice, courage, personal insight and a framework to bolster your confidence. This practice is sacred because it is how you honor and embody the voice of your soul – Spirit within. It is how you uphold your human right to be treated with dignity, kindness, and respect. It is how you make your voice heard.

Rest assured, my friend, there is a way to express your needs, limits and expectations with clarity, authenticity, power and grace.

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.”
Brene Brown 

Still here? Your inner voice is coaxing you out of silence, compliance and acquiescence. You feel the pull to undo the unhealthy patterns and risk disapproval to liberate yourself, not only to be respected by others, but more importantly, to be whole within yourself.

Sacred Boundaries are established powerfully, not forcefully, and ultimately are in service of everyone impacted.

Your voice matters. You can do this.